36 degrees that's Basically Summer! :)

Sorry I haven't been sending a lot of emails, time is literally flying by. Recap of the last two weeks, last week we had a trainers meeting which was so good! I got to see all the missionaries I came out with which was really great! Especially seeing Sister Chatelain!!! I miss her so much, but we had fun and she's killing it out in Morton with Sister Chase. One day last week we were driving around and no one that we wanted to visit seemed to be home. So we were a little sad that we didn't get to do what we set out to do, but we saw this massive icicle on the side of a building. It was at least 8 feet tall, so obviously we took pictures with it. I have been a missionary for 2 months now! Time has flown, especially the last 6 weeks, it is so crazy. Sister Evans hit her year mark on Friday! We celebrated with pizza and cheesecake We had some great lessons with B! We read some more of the Book of Mormon with him, he still loves it in case you were wondering...