Giant Icicle we saw
sounds like a fun week! B is still doing good, he's reading the
Book of Mormon a few verses at a time and he really likes it. He came to
church last week and was sad that he couldn't this week, it was stake
conference and was during his parents church time so he wasn't allowed
to come. But he'll come next week and it will be great!
week we are going back to 2 hour church, that's exciting but it might
be a little rough getting some people there for all of it
I'm excited to get a little closer to normal though.
like Grandpa had a good week! Did he actually smile when you teased
him? I think he likes you better, I always got an eye roll and a "knock
it off."
My week was really quick, we went up to
Iowa City to a trainers meeting which was so good and I got to see
Sister Chatelain! She is so cute and I miss being comps, plus we're not
supposed to message other missionaries in our mission so the only
contact we have is weekly's. But we talked a little and that was fun,
Sister Chase is going to England at the end of the transfer which is
next Tuesday! It's almost been 6 weeks since I've been here, that's
crazy! Friday we went to Quincy for interviews and district council.
Interviews were with President Clove who is one of President Sturm's
counselors, apparently it's hard for one man to have interviews with 230
missionaries every 6 weeks, crazy right? Saturday morning we were talking about
how it felt like Thursday since we had so much travel and a lot of
meetings this week. But then Saturday was so long it kinda evened us
out. We just had a lot of things planned that fell through so the day
dragged on.
I love you, have a great week!
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