Week 3
was everyone's New Year's? mine was pretty quiet as far as celebrating
goes, I had one class which was great and then I helped my mom around
the house a little bit. I studied and was in bed around 10:30 because I
was tired. But my week was great, Sister Chatelain and I are both
getting comfortable teaching together and applying all of the skills we
learn each day. It seems like every time we have a bad lesson or notice
something we struggled with it comes up in our next class. So that is
great that we see what we need to work on and then we are taught how to
improve on it. I am so grateful for my companion and how well we are
able to work together and get along. It has been so much fun getting to
know her and just talking about the most random things in Comp. Study.
watched some really good devotionals this week in my free time and my
favorite was an MTC discussion with Jeffery R. Holland and M. Russell
Ballard. It was great to see their love for each other and the time that
they have served together. In it, they said a lot that will help me as I
continue to serve and teach. They pointed out that it doesn't matter
when you serve or how you serve, the message is the same and so is the
call. I am so excited to go out and teach and serve! I only have one
week left in the MTC and then I fly out to Iowa on the 13th!!! I can't
express how excited I am to go and to start it is still going to be
freezing and hard and a lot of work but I feel prepared and just ready
to go give it my all.
Anyway, that was my week! How about
yours? I love you all and hope you have a great week and know that God
loves you and he is always there for you if you need him.
Love, Sister Jones
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