This week was so good!!
We made cookies for all of our college friends who were taking midterms this week (I don't miss those).
was beautiful this week, so we were outside a lot more. We studied
outside one day, we had lunch with the sisters in the park, I missed
just being able to be outside. We went to Nauvoo for zone council, that
was lots of fun and I got more pictures outside of the temple, I wish it
was open. We went to a member's farm and helped them clean out their
greenhouses, once again it was great to just be outside, and I love
serving others. If you are ever having a rough day or just need some
cheering up, go and do something for someone. No matter how big or
small, it will brighten you day!
It wasn't a very
eventful week, Brandy and Sabrina are both doing great! Sabrina watched
church, her life is so crazy and busy right now but she is still making
time. Brandy is great, he is just loving everything he's learning and
we're going to meet with his mom this week and answer any questions or
concerns she might have.
I love you all! Have a great week!
Love, Sister Jones
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